Saturday, August 27, 2016

DA might stumble over the most brilliant trap in history.

The sudden calmness of the radical EFF should have ring loud bells in their ears; the sudden appointment of major candidate by the ANC against the wish of the voters should have been red flags and millions of questions. All communist driven political parties are well known for their ability to allow the opposition to under estimate them, and so I think the DA did.
After a successful campaign build on defeating the ANC at all cost, with certain lies that the DA turned into unobtainable promises, and the EFF skilfully sidestepped coalitions with the DA, they the DA will have to watch their step as they stumble between the obstacles that they have created. Promises was made to the electorate to, for instance remove E-tolls when they get into power in Johannesburg and Tshwane, while they were well aware that the local municipality does not have the authority to do so, they were well aware or at least should have been aware that the E-tolls are governed by national government and not local government. Many unsuspected voters voted for change, change promised by those who were well aware that they have no power to change it, many of the working class stand tirelessly waiting to cast their vote, a vote against corruption and e-tolls, and many will be disgruntled by the fact that neither the corruption nor the e-tolls might be removed.

The DA was well aware that the fight against corruption is a fight against powerful individuals and their current jobs, a fight against COSATO and all his allies. The time has now arrived to eradicate the corruption and stop the E-Tolls, to prove that their election campaign was not based on a Cape Town model only, but on a South African reality. The EFF has seen through the smoke screen of the DA, they have seen through the peephole of a possible collapse of the main opposition and skilfully aligned themselves in a neutral, but powerful negotiation position, a position that will allow them to pick the crumps of the main table and change these crumps into bread for their political future. The EFF has set the trap, and are now patiently waiting for the main opposition to stumble, before they will change their vote against them (DA) to make the Metros ungovernable. It seems as if Julius did not set his targets on the municipal election but rather on the 2019 national elections, an election where he will need to prove that the main opposition is no longer the people who know how to govern.

I cannot see how the DA will be able to govern successfully while they are held hostage by the EFF and COSATO, I cannot see how they will remain able to clean these Metros up while they need to please unions who will strike and destroy the operations in any Metro, if one of their corrupt brother are removed from any position of power. With one of the most comprehensive traps ever set and one the most powerful combinations executing the operation of the trap, the DA will be held responsible for any lie that they have promised, for any misrepresentation that they have uttered in arrogance.  Through the history from main opposition of the old National party through the Zille era to the now Maimane era proved that their analytical skills and ability to predict movements from communist driven parties like the ANC and SACP were always lacking. The analytical skill failure was never due to a lack of intelligent information, but the untouchable arrogance with which they perceive the facts and blindly scattered for crisis management solutions. The ANC and the EFF are well aware of these problems within the ranks of the DA, they are well aware that the main opposition will only realize that they have trapped them after the so called “fat lady” started to sing. 

The sudden calmness of the radical EFF should have ring loud bells in their ears; the sudden appointment of major candidate by the ANC against the wish of the voters should have been red flags and millions of questions. All communist driven political parties are well known for their ability to allow the opposition to under estimate them, and so I think the DA did.

The question that probably dances on every reader lips at this stage will be; why will the ANC allow the lost in votes and power to get the opposition to under estimate their abilities? I will attempt to answer it as follow. During the twenty odd years that the ANC been in power in South Africa they never managed to overcome the two third majority, enabling them to change the free country to a  captive country, the DA and the opposition parties managed to constrain them from this ultimate goals. If they can expose the DA and break their stronghold on perfect governance the picture might change dramatically, with the help of the current EFF and self-claimed supporters of the ANC the final assault on opposition parties can be delivered. We must keep in mind that the EFF would have played ball with the ANC if they were to remove Jacob Zuma, Jacob Zuma that managed to destabilize the country and its economy far better than any of his predecessors, the President that came the closest to collapse the capitalist system in South Africa. The same Jacob Zuma that allowed the DA to run an election campaign against him and the ANC and not for what they stand or believe in, who proved that he can play the role of destroyer while the population blamed it on his intelligence and not his ability to overturn the capitalist system.  With his closely knitted friendship of communist China and first hand advice on destroying capitalism, with a parliament of freedom fighters and the previously known “rooi gevaar” all on his side, South Africa might have the red dot of the assassins on his chest, we might be lined up for the final assault against capitalism and freedom.
We all hope that these predictions is unfounded, that the ANC and their communist allies are suffering from intellectual failure, that the ANC are only holding onto Zuma because they need more unlawful contracts. We need to hope that they are not playing a master chess game against us, but rather that they really fell into the trap of arrogance.

Willie Beetge

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South Africa is burning under the false leadership of the ANC and the EFF